What's included in the subscription?
Open BIM Systems has a database of manufacturers that offer their products in digital format. Users of CYPE programs can select these elements from the available product catalogues and integrate them into their projects.
Para un usuario, la selección de productos a partir de un catálogo de fabricante le ofrece una mejora en la precisión de sus cálculos al usar parámetros más ajustados al comportamiento real de cada elemento. Además, basar el diseño de un proyecto en referencias de marcas comerciales garantiza que los productos seleccionados se encuentren en el mercado para su instalación.
Para los fabricantes, este servicio supone un portal desde el que ofrecer sus productos a proyectistas, potenciar su imagen de marca y ampliar su red de clientes . Cada vez que un usuario descarga un catálogo de productos el sistema registra esta interacción, de este modo se dispone de un paquete estadístico del uso que hacen los clientes.
Positioning of your brand in the programs
Your products and logo will appear positioned in the preferential download panel for catalogues in the project programs. This way, customer can easily access your catalogues, significantly improving the visibility of your brand and enhancing the prescription of your products.
Selection of favourite brands
Customers will be able to select your catalogues as 'favourites' so they are automatically downloaded every time a new project starts. This way, it is possible to facilitate the prescription of your products, build customer loyalty and consolidate your position in the market. Additionally, you will be able to consult quantitative statistics of users who have activated this option for your catalogues.
Complete reports and download statistics
You will be able to obtain complete reports with download statistics, with absolute values of your products and with their relative positioning within the total downloads for all brands that supply a certain product. This way, you will be able to obtain information on general trends in the downloads of your products, as well as the evolution of your market share and positioning in the total downloads. All of this is broken down for each type of product and for each of the programs in which their catalogues are available
Supervision of your product catalogues
Include, modify or delete as many references as you want in your product catalogues using the self-management tools that you can download from your private area. Furthermore, you will be able to supervise the technical descriptions for each area of the project by defining the real performances of your products, allowing designers to perceive the advantages of including them in their projects.
Prescription of your brand in the projects
The prescription of your products will be included in the results generated by the project programs, allowing for the prescription to be included in all phases of the project, as well as in the final documentation that is generated (measurements, budgets, plans, report, etc.). This way, it is easier for the prescription to result in an increase in sales.
Automatic generation of catalogues in WEB format
By including your products on the platform, in addition to enabling access to them from the programs, the automatic generation of information in a browseable WEB format is also included so it can be consulted by customers and users. These WEB catalogues are designed to improve the visibility of your brand in internet search engines using SEO positioning and include all the technical parameters that have been specified for their use in project programs. This way consistency between the data shown on the WEB and that automatically included in the programs is guaranteed.
Además de los parámetros técnicos de cada producto, al seleccionar un elemento del catálogo se podrá visualizar su representación 3D.
Traducciones y selección de productos por pais
Gestione los textos y descripciones de producto que deben aparecer en los catálogos para los países que tenga contratados.
Services offered
Open BIM Database
La información técnica y comercial de cada producto se encuentra almacenada en una base de datos en la nube.
La supervisión de los catálogos puede ser llevada a cabo por cada fabricante de modo que se garantice su actualización en todo momento.
Al iniciar un proyecto, cada programa accede a Open BIM Database y descarga los catálogos seleccionados por el usuario.
Se ofrece una amplia gama de marcas comerciales pudiendo escoger entre catálogos de diferentes países e idiomas.
3D Modelling
The applications that integrate the products of each manufacturer will allow for the three-dimensional model of each element to be generated, for it to be placed it in its exact position and for users to view its digitised appearance within the building, using a layered model.
The complete project, together with the manufacturer's elements, can be viewed in Augmented Reality (AR).
BIM Integration
System compatible with the other BIM platforms on the market.
Projects last without the need for a native platform.
Element arrangement assistance using specialised software.
Multidisciplinary interactions.
Facilitates product assignment in each project.
BIMserver.center services
Product impact on thousands of system users.
Access to real projects.
Product usage analytics.
Project viewing on mobile devices (Documents and 3D).
Educational use in universities and training centres.
Connection with public administration entities using the system.
Download from the BIMserver.center Store.
User-focused business action by analysing the information flow.